Best Institute of Emergency Medical Services in India


Why Emergency Medical Services in India?

Did you know there are more than 100,000 road/traffic-related deaths a year?  There are still around 40-60% of ambulances that do not have any medical equipment and around 95% of ambulances do not have trained personnel.

All of these lead to one result- the death of the victim!

Emergency Medical Services consist of a set up an initial response team along with facilities to efficiently respond to accidents and save deaths. Such a team and facilities 

How do other countries reduce deaths caused by accidents?

Well, we are not going into the comparison of road infrastructures of many developed countries with ours. In terms of emergency services, the least time the emergency response team takes to arrive at the place of the incident is 7 minutes. They still keep on improving the speed at which the response team arrives and the skills of the team. The aim here is to save the victim before getting them to ICU. India has a lot to learn from the countries. Foreign countries such as parts of Europe has legislation stating trained personnel to provide medical assistance during an emergency.

Such as Advanced Cardio Vascular Life Support (ACLS) in North America, UK and Australia is given by only trained paramedics.

But the real problem lies not in the legislation but the availability of this trained personnel. Many medical students and nursing students who graduate from medical colleges still need to have a hand to hand skills for CPR and AED.  It is highly recommended by health institutions that students have knowledge of American Heart Association Courses (AHA). AHA Courses are of different kinds- BLS, ACLS, PALS, PHTLS etc. BLS or Basic Life Support can be taken by medical professionals to ordinary people. A CPR given at the right time in right way can save a life.

Where can you learn AHA Courses and other courses for Emergency Medical Services in India?

American Heart Association (AHA), American College of Surgeons (ACS) and many other councils along with the Healthcare Skill Sector (HSSC) are affiliated with the Indian Institute of Emergency Medical Services. This means on completion, you get a certificate issued by the respective council which is credible for your career. For example, on completion of AHA Courses of BLS & ACLS, BLS ACLS Certification is issued by American Heart Association and is valued globally to provide, CPR, AED & other medical services.

For more information visit IIEMS website now!!!!


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