In the upcoming Winter Season, take care of your Heart!
This is a brief message to you, sharing the American Heart Association's recommendations for avoiding heart attacks over the winter holiday season. It is December, and we are all approaching the conclusion of the year. The majority of us would rather stay at home. It's a good thing because we're still dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. It also doesn't imply you should be sitting around at home doing nothing because exercise for your heart is necessary to keep you going. Why is it necessary to take extra care of your heart during the winter? During the winter, the temperature drops, bringing chilly weather with it. As a result, our bodies become cooler! As a result, the body works to maintain a constant body temperature. Remember how you used to shudder when it was cold outside? Yes, that is one of your body's tactics for adjusting to the cooler weather. Do you know who is in charge of maintaining body temperatures? It's all about the heart! You are well aware...