In the upcoming Winter Season, take care of your Heart!


This is a brief message to you, sharing the American Heart Association's recommendations for avoiding heart attacks over the winter holiday season.

It is December, and we are all approaching the conclusion of the year. The majority of us would rather stay at home. It's a good thing because we're still dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. It also doesn't imply you should be sitting around at home doing nothing because exercise for your heart is necessary to keep you going.

Why is it necessary to take extra care of your heart during the winter?

During the winter, the temperature drops, bringing chilly weather with it. As a result, our bodies become cooler! As a result, the body works to maintain a constant body temperature. Remember how you used to shudder when it was cold outside? Yes, that is one of your body's tactics for adjusting to the cooler weather.

Do you know who is in charge of maintaining body temperatures? It's all about the heart! You are well aware that your heart works nonstop 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The only time your heart slows down is when you sleep, but it continues to beat. It's much worse for the heart in the winter since it has to work harder to pump blood (which is thicker in colder temperatures) to keep the body warm.

Heart attacks and excessive blood pressure can occur as a result of this!

So, what can you do now to take better care of your heart?

To beat the winter and avoid heart attacks, work along with your heart. The American Heart Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising global awareness about heart health, has a few fundamental recommendations to make:

Identify and monitor your symptoms- The majority of cardiac experts throughout the world agree that each person's heart emits symptoms before cardiac arrest or heart attack. Numbness, at the very least, could be the first symptom.

Panic is not a viable option in these situations. Make use of nearby Emergency Medical Services. Please dial the emergency number! You have arrived at a medical practitioner who has completed an emergency medical course, such as a First Aid Course (AHA). **

Restrict Holiday Celebrations- No one has the authority to deprive you of the joys and pleasures of the holiday season. But keep in mind that the food you eat during the holidays has an impact on your health. Try to stay away from alcohol or learn how to stop consuming it. Remember to include green leafy veggies in your diet.

Free your mind- As the year draws to a close, you'll have a lot on your plate. There are reasons to be happy, sad, and worried. There will be work deadlines and even budgetary limits. Whatever it is, don't allow it to cause you any mental anguish. The more your mind frets, the more it will affect your body. Allow yourself to relax!

Remember to exercise—the American Heart Association suggests 150 minutes of physical activity this week. This also applies to the holiday week. Additionally, try to stay active and move around as much as possible. Outdoor activities are recommended, although this season may not be possible. So continue to incorporate some physical activity into your daily routine at home.

Last but not least, make this year's finish unforgettable!

**IIEMS is a BLS ACLS Training Center that is connected with the American Heart Association and offers AHA courses like BLS, ACLS, and CPR in India. Kottayam (Kerala), Kochi (Kerala), and Trivandrum (Kerala) are the headquarters of IIEMS (Kerala). As part of our Emergency Medical Services, we also provide ambulance services. 

Please contact +91 944 600 0478 to get EMS.


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