Is it the COVID-19 virus or the common cold? Look for the following signs and symptoms.

 The rising levels of COVID-19, as well as its novel version, Omicron, are causing concern among Indians. In the last several days, numerous Omicron cases have been reported. People moving to quarantine are a common sight, and practically every home has a corona case.

It is very usual in such a setting for people to worry over any symptom, regardless of the reason of the condition. Even normal cold symptoms will be misinterpreted as Coronavirus symptoms.

In the middle of this pandemic, it is critical to have a peaceful mind. When you or someone you know develops symptoms early on, you should get a proper diagnosis before proceeding.

COVID-19 Symptoms & Signs

The symptoms listed here are based on observations made by people who have been infected with the Coronavirus. It is also observed that a small number of persons experience symptoms other than those listed below, however the vast majority have symptoms such as:

High chills

Congestion is to be expected.

Cough- as is customary

Changes in olfactory or gustatory loss- high

Fatigue is common.

High fever

Headache is a common complaint.

Muscle Pain or Boady Aches is a common occurrence.

Breathlessness is a common occurrence.

Sore throat is an unusual occurrence.

Vomiting is an unusual occurrence.

Breathing problems are common.

Chest pain or pressure is a rare occurrence.

Rare inability to wake up or stay awake.

Lips that are pale grey or blue are uncommon.

Symptoms and Signs of a Common Cold

Chills- less intense than normal

Congestion is uncommon.

Cough- as is customary

Fatigue is common.

Fever - as is customary

Headache is a common complaint.

Boady or Muscle Pain Typical aches and pains

Breathlessness is a common occurrence.

Sore throat is an unusual occurrence.

Illness Lasting Power

COVID-19's long-term capacity is presently being investigated by scientific communities. The sickness has been known to continue for days or months, making it a serious cause. The length of the coronavirus determines each patient's immunity. There is a risk of secondary infection in people with weakened immune systems, which can lead to mortality in severe circumstances.

The Common Cold, on the other hand, lasts 4 to 7 days. After then, the person's health returns.

As part of community duty, this message is designed to raise broad awareness to people all over the world from the Best BLS ACLS Training Center in India - IIEMS. If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, you should seek medical advice or visit your nearest Community Health Center.


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